Life Geometry
In brief, introduction of entire work are:
(i) Awareness of fundamental geometry
Awareness is game changer
Unfold Purpose of one's life with identity
The true self and the spark
Your inner child and healing work
Killing the rotten self and healing work
Submit yourself, art of letting go
Meeting your highest self
Transcending, the subconscious to conscious
Defining your own fate
(ii) Consolidation of geometry​ ​
Experiences like memory data, where you store your experiences and repeat take it out as the reference for your future.
Your inner child
Undead Emotion is a loop and a jail
Liberation of knowledge, and past experience
Relationship of habit and new identity
Discipline and decision brunches
New you live through your purpose
Consolidating work with your purpose
Process of state of mind/ background
Process of finding the right direction
Process of decision making & neurons responding to rewards and pain
Process of self prophecy. If ... then... is equal
Process of consolidation, unshakable fact of your past experience
(iii) Extension of geometry
Alive geometry extend like braches of a tree, it reproduce, it extending its root
Life is a full circle, to live out, you need support of others. Hence, contribution is the key for survive
Heroic self
Align with mother nature.